Knowledge Centre
Step-Parent Adoption (QLD)
What is Step-Parent Adoption? Step-parent adoption is a way of formalising the parent-child relationship. You can adopt your step-parent’s child from another marriage, or you can adopt your...
Violence Restraining Orders (WA)
In Western Australia, What is a Violence Restraining Order (VRO)? In Western Australia, Domestic Violence Orders are known as Violence Restraining Orders (VROs). They provide legal protection...
Apprehended Violence Orders (NSW)
In New South Wales, What is an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO)? In New South Wales, Apprehended Violence Orders (AVOs) are court orders that prevent the Respondent from doing certain...
Domestic Violence Orders (QLD)
In Queensland, What is a Domestic Violence Order (DVO)? Domestic Violence Orders, also known as Protection Orders or Domestic Violence Protection Orders in Queensland, are...
Intervention Orders (VIC)
In Victoria, What is an Intervention Order (IVO)? In Victoria, Intervention Orders provide legal protection to adults or children against another person who may expose them to...
Are Corporate and Commercial Law the Same in Australia?
There are numerous factors that must be considered when a client looks to hire a lawyer or legal practitioner. These include, but are not limited to the following: trust in the person,the level of...
What is Australia’s Fair Work Act and What Does it Cover?
The Fair Work Act of 2009 (the Act) is one of the many pieces of legislation that governs the relationship between individuals in most private workplaces in Australia. The terms and conditions...
Family Lawyers Penrith
Penrith Family Lawyers Our family lawyers Penrith team is passionate about helping you in dealing with family law problems, such as family breakdown or divorce. We are a group of dedicated and...
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Family Law Victoria
Family Law in Victoria Family Law is not an area of law that is easy to comprehend, especially when going through pressing family concerns and legal difficulties. This is the reason why you need...